Sunday, February 1, 2009


"Look to the Rock from which you were cut and to the quarry from which you were hewn ;
look to Abraham your father and Sara , who gave you birth" Isaiah 51.1

The name of our class comes from an architectural metaphore constructed by Peter to describe Christians, as well as Christ the " cornerstone or capstone" being built into a spiritual house or as Paul descibes the body of Christ. Read 1 Peter 2:4-11 Note our purpose vs: 9

I got the class name from a song on an album titled HOUSE OF AMAZING GRACE by Larry and Kathy Stewart, Christian recording artist from Alderson, Okla. . They are self described "Janice Joplin" Female vocalist with Larry laying down some strong electric guitar from his past pre-conversion days as club band singer player. Their title track really is a story of them (and us all ) we are products of grace from our past and present sins and failings .
The second track really defines our purpose though (living stones in the Masters hands )being moulded and shaped for his plans , our true destiny!!

That brings us back to the chip off the block thing. we are the progeny or offspring of promise God made to Abraham through our adoption as heirs in Christ as God made Israel a light to the gentiles. As Paul was an apostle to the gentiles and dedicated his life work to missionary journeys including A large jewish audience . We are commanded to let our light shine before men so they glorify our Father in heaven. Our spirirtual legacy depends on those actions that confirm or deny that kinship. Or More is "caught than taught" when sharing our faith.

The following insights from my Bible commentary.

Peter (nicknamed " The Rock" by Jesus), was a good example of how God uses us warts and all , but chisels away at us to make us more useful. As Peter aged and mellowed hhe came to accept this changing with submission and humility. "Humble yourselves, therfore under Gods mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time." 2 peter 5 " THE APOSTLE OF HOPE"

"Over time the shifting sand of Peters personality solidified into granite "

"My hope is built on Christ the solid rock all aother ground is sinking sand"

This" life question" from my student bible commentary : If Jesus were to give you a nickname, what would it be ? Has your personality undergone major changes? What still needs work?

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