Monday, March 30, 2009

I was gonna go to work but then I.....

Why I didn't go to class , or work ,or clean my room .....
"Because I got High"
A direct quote from the" scene" section of the Tulsa world 3/26/09
This is the title to a Grammy award nominated song (rap genre).
No doubt popular because of the truth of the refrain in so many young( and not so young) lives.
Why would I include this in this blogg? Because it is so telling of a generation who is unfit to lead because it is unwilling to follow.
This anti-estabishment, trust no-one, but serve self because of entitlment due does not recognize nor appreciate the sacrifice it takes to enjoy life, liberty and pursuit of happiness purchased by patriots willing to risk it all.
Make that patriarchs....Abraham ...Moses...the prophets.
It was the prophet Isaiah who recognized and warned of this deficet in charachter and leadership around 600 b.c. as Judgement from God results in total anarchy and makes these grave predictions in chapter 3
" People will opress each other....
The young will rise up against the old,
The base against the honorable.
vs. 6
"A man will seize one of his brothers at his fathers home and say,
"you have a cloak , you be our leader;
take charge of this heap of ruins"
(Sound like our current state of confusion and lack of direction and leadership ?)
But in that day he will cry out,
"I have no remedy.
I have no food or clothing in my house;
do not make me the leader of the people."
"Shepherds who feed only themselves " Jude calls them in vs 12 of his small book on "Truth Drifters" (sounds like corporate and political leaders)
or in Isaiah 56 vs 11 " They are shepherds who lack understanding"
No wonder it seems there is no end to this world gone crazy and an increasing apathy and corrupt culture.
But wait, Isaiah has a new song
Chapter 40 vs 28-31:
28Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
29 He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
30 Even the youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
31but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength,
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


DON'T TRUST ANYONE OVER 30.....Maybe that should read "Don't trust anyone" or "any one with money" or "anyone with power" or anyone who holds a different viewpoint or agenda.

Once the mantra of the 1960's anti-establishment generation of hippies ,beatnicks and war protesters has again gained popularity with a new group of disenchanted , disengaged and disenfranchised students and not so young adults.

An article in the March 26 Tulsa World about a speech given at Rogers State University's centennial celebration by Jeff Greenfield CBS Political Correspondent used words of the late Will Rogers in his remarks on POPULISM.......Not a new Idea for these times "economic populism is a suspicion of moneyed interest" (Think bailouts..... think bonuses) "cultural populism ...a suspicion of real and perceived cultural elites. (Think new powerbase of Those who think government will protect us and lend the resources to get out of this mess. Those who are willing to yield liberties and privacy and" let tax and spend "be the great equalizer and new economic engine)

History is full of revolutionaries (Think French ...Think American ) who fought to get government out of their lives. History is also full of populist movements of the oppressed worker under seige of the wealthy Guilded age 19th century industrialist spawning labor unions and new political parties.

Jeff Greenfield says US is at a"hinge point" in national politics. It does not take a mental leap to agree with him but still the question is "WHO CAN I TRUST?"

As mentioned in an earlier blogg Liquidity is nothing more than confidence or trust in a bank note or currency or rather the monetary policy and ideaoligy behind it. Funny how obvious it should be, after all it is printed on our money "IN GOD WE TRUST" The Bible tells us not to put our hope on wealth which is so uncertain. (economic populism) or to trust in kings and armies (cultural populism)
Even Jesus did not trust in men when he was becoming popular ...scripture tells us" he knew the hearts of men and did not entrust himself to them"
We are warned "the heart is decietful and beyond cure" so we certainly should not trust in ourselves.
By the way wasn't Jesus over 30 (33) When he was crucified ????????

Sunday, March 1, 2009


JUST FIX IT!!!!!!!
Who can't remember the Saturday Night live skit depicting a wild eyed worried black man posing as A FINANCIAL EXPERT being interviewed about the finacial calamaty of late 2008 (or at least that is when the collapse occured from decisions made much earlier)? The interviewer was asking what should be done about this crisis and the only answer the expert could give "was just fix it!".

Many a truth is said in jest as his answer was a hyperbole (exaggeration for effect) of the easy answer we all want for complex problems without regard for details or facts as to how we got in this mess or what a real solution would entail. (Sacrifice ,taking resposibility for actions or in some cases inaction, timeline in how long this took to happen and how long the cure will take to make an impact.
This has me reading no shortage of articles ,books ,blogs ,web pages etc. I have also been actively asking friends ,businesspersons, customers and others how they interpret what they see from different perspectives and how they forecast the future.
Again there is no shortage of prognosticaters and endless viewpoints on outcome and duration of current economic issues.
Sorry to disapoint you but no conclusive answers are found here. My objective is to try to find the common ground or cocentric circles in the many views and develop clarity as to scope and impact on many industries , world economies and ultimately personal lives.
On the personal lives point we all know people who have been devastated in the short term and who are still proccessing what all this really means. For sure this is "A GAME CHANGER" and "EVERYTHING IS DIFFERENT NOW"
I could (and will later) quote the Bible and it's many teachings on money mainly from the richest man that ever lived, Solomon who wrote ecclesiastes and many proverbs or Jesus emphasis on what we treasure most or warnings from James on uncertainty of wealth but these are readily available for your reading.
One of the things that has come from an article in "World Magazine" is the first question that has to asked . What is your world view?????
I will use an exerpt and direct quotes to get to the crux here from 1-13-2009 article under personal finance titled "SANE READING" Here goes........
"The famous British economist, John Maynard Keynes, wrote that "the ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed the world is ruled by little else. Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist."
Lord Keynes was right about this much-economic theory has far more of a practical impact on our lives than most of us realize. When setting fiscal policy, guiding monetary policy, and modifying financial regulations, policymakers and politicians are fundamentally guided by an IDEOLOGY. In the current enviroment there is a lot of debate over what economic theories and financial philosophies are best suited to guide policymakers."
The article goes on to list books for policymakers and readers to help navigate present economic storm. I wont list all but for most of us not swimming in the deep end he list "CAPITALISM AND FREEDOM" by Milton Freidmon. I paraphase his assesment of dangers of collectivism ( think globilization , think socialism) and the problems it poses and the THREAT TO LIBERTY IT REPRESENTS.

There is a book by Larry Bates titled " The New Economic Disorder" which is a more extreme (in my view ) but not unrealistic explanation of the new world order being formed through monetary policy . Not a mental leap if you look at all the efforts to find a GLOBAL SOLUTION which would marginalize US influence and soveriegnty. In the past we would and have resisted losing this control but when the well dramatized attitude is "JUST FIX IT" We may make deal now we will reget later. This FIX would include a one world currency and tax sytem that would make us all equal (sound familier comrad?) equally poor that is . No class war here just a few elite and the rest of us worker bees.

There are other books also Here are two from the Christian Stanards January 2009 special issue" From My Book Shelf Section" ......" The World Is Curved" by David M. Smick on the stands Sempteber 2008 (well timed release) before the headlines of doom. A responce in part to Thomas Friedman (The World Is Flat) how Globalization has flattened (or equalized) our world we forget at our own peril we can not see around the bend or over the curve of the earth (the future) The one observation of this Chaos is that when all is said and done what we really have is a crisis of confidence or trust which is all LIQUIDITY ever was or will be. what ever happened to in "GOD WE TRUST" ? So what is a new president to do ? What are we to do?
The other Book mentioned is by Bob Roberts Jr. titled Glocalization :How folowers of Jesus engage a flat world, also borrows from Freidman, not explain , but to Call for a new mission stategy when you put together local and global. Deals more with the social issues of justice ,mercy, and compassion the antithesis of the GREED that got us into this mess. This Book sees the opportunity to infect world with love of Christ and guide people to clarity in chaos.


I wish I could take credit for that one but a writer for the Tulsa World opened his editorial with that statement from history. We can be sure of this...." this will be a time of sweeping changes that will give policy makers more power and oppourtunity than they have had in a long time if ever and we must be vigilant not to give up our birthright for a cup of soup now. "JUST FIX IT"

Out of time for now much more to come .

Your views? Please enrich us with your perspectives and comments and readings. (Thats how this whole blog thing works best you know!)