Thursday, March 26, 2009


DON'T TRUST ANYONE OVER 30.....Maybe that should read "Don't trust anyone" or "any one with money" or "anyone with power" or anyone who holds a different viewpoint or agenda.

Once the mantra of the 1960's anti-establishment generation of hippies ,beatnicks and war protesters has again gained popularity with a new group of disenchanted , disengaged and disenfranchised students and not so young adults.

An article in the March 26 Tulsa World about a speech given at Rogers State University's centennial celebration by Jeff Greenfield CBS Political Correspondent used words of the late Will Rogers in his remarks on POPULISM.......Not a new Idea for these times "economic populism is a suspicion of moneyed interest" (Think bailouts..... think bonuses) "cultural populism ...a suspicion of real and perceived cultural elites. (Think new powerbase of Those who think government will protect us and lend the resources to get out of this mess. Those who are willing to yield liberties and privacy and" let tax and spend "be the great equalizer and new economic engine)

History is full of revolutionaries (Think French ...Think American ) who fought to get government out of their lives. History is also full of populist movements of the oppressed worker under seige of the wealthy Guilded age 19th century industrialist spawning labor unions and new political parties.

Jeff Greenfield says US is at a"hinge point" in national politics. It does not take a mental leap to agree with him but still the question is "WHO CAN I TRUST?"

As mentioned in an earlier blogg Liquidity is nothing more than confidence or trust in a bank note or currency or rather the monetary policy and ideaoligy behind it. Funny how obvious it should be, after all it is printed on our money "IN GOD WE TRUST" The Bible tells us not to put our hope on wealth which is so uncertain. (economic populism) or to trust in kings and armies (cultural populism)
Even Jesus did not trust in men when he was becoming popular ...scripture tells us" he knew the hearts of men and did not entrust himself to them"
We are warned "the heart is decietful and beyond cure" so we certainly should not trust in ourselves.
By the way wasn't Jesus over 30 (33) When he was crucified ????????

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