Friday, April 3, 2009

Talkin Bout My Generation

Not a 1969 song by "The Who" but originally from a time after Moses succesor Joshua died at the age of one hundred ten.
Judges 2 vs.10 "after that generation had been gathered to their fathers , another generation grew up, who neither knew the Lord nor what he had done for Isreal."

It has been said that "Christianity is only one generation from extinction"

It has been called "The greatest generation" when refering to our world war 2 parents and grandparents who plowed the hard ground for the bountiful harvest of the over consuming "Kids of the baby boom"
In an effort to give a better life and protect our children from stark realities we often fail them by coddling them and asking so little of them. any psychologist would tell you this is bad for their self esteem and purpose and value.
We fail when we do not teach as we go : duet 6:7 " (These comandments)....Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
An article in the TULSA WORLD Religion section Saturday March 28-2009 Titled "ASK MORE OF US" discusses what teens want-more intellectual challenges.
The Article speaks to the myth that adolescence is a time to goof off and authors Alex and Brett Harris state "The teen years are meant to be a launching pad" They have a book titled "DO HARD THINGS : A TEENAGE REBELLION AGAINST LOW EXPECTATIONS"

They place an emphasis on doctrine and apologetics to address the issue of the post-modern worlds rejection of truth and the emptiness of a shallow theology.

Apologetics is a branch of theology that offers an intelectual , rational defence of the Christian faith"

They quote" The no.1 reason young people leave their faith in college is intellectual skepticism, a beleif that there is is no scientific or historical proof for their faith"

Of course the warning of knowing the facts without know the diety (relationship with Christ).
As the Eagles sing "all the knowledge in the world is of no use to fools" (LONG ROAD OUT OF EDEN TITLE TRACK)

Corinthians 8:2 "The man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know. 3. But the man who loves God is known by God." or in vs.1 " KNOWLEDGE PUFFS UP, BUT LOVE BUILDS UP"


1 cor 2 :4-5 "My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of THE SPIRITS POWER, so that your faith might not rest on mens wisdom , but on GODS POWER"
All this" imformation age" life without a True God experience is growing a void in the hearts of men searching for meaning and purpose, HEALING AND UNDERSTANDING
which helps explain the runaway success of the book by William Paul Young Titled "THE SHACK"
Much more on this next post.

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